Let’s get rid of graffiti

Yes, it’s possible


Graffiti Busters are like- minded people who detest graffiti and want to see it eliminated from our suburbs.

We started in Beaumaris in 2018 removing graffiti from private property free of charge. We recruited volunteers, established quality and safety standards and a method of operations. We want it to be fun so we created our logo and always have time for a chat and coffee before and after each “graffiti bust”.

Not surprisingly, owner residents were delighted.

Graffiti Busters is a splendid and worthwhile community activity. Our “Busters” thoroughly enjoy the activity and find it rewarding.

Bayside Council, Victoria Police, local traders and the Community are delighted and want us to expand.

Every suburb should have a Graffiti Busters Group – let us help you get started!





Some vandals tagged our front wall. Graffiti Busters, knocked on our door and asked if they could remove it… I was amazed.

They have also cleaned up our suburb. It looks good and feels much safer

Alison Davies – Resident

I never would have thought removing graffiti would be fun….but it is. It’s very sociable; great people all achieving something everybody wants. I really look forward to the next “graffiti bust”

Yolanta Cadman – Graffiti Buster

What we do

We remove graffiti from private property at NO COST to the owner/resident. All we want is to see graffiti removed and our suburbs clean.

Most Councils only clean Council assets. Some even fine residents who don’t remove graffiti when notified.

Everybody supports us; the Council, Police, Traders, victims who have graffiti on their property and the whole community!


Why we're unique

We realised that there are hundreds of like-minded people who hate graffiti and are keen to get involved. They just need a structure in which to help and it must be enjoyable.

We have created, in effect, a Community-Not-for-Profit franchise which is portable and free.

It works brilliantly and is proven.


How we operate

Who would have thought removing graffiti could be fun? Our Graffiti Busters think it is. 

It is a community activity. We enjoy ourselves, have coffee and
a chat and make new friends. All this whilst achieving something that everybody appreciates – well everybody.
except the vandals!



Start a Group

Imagine a Graffiti Busters group in every Melbourne suburb – what a difference it would make !

It’s possible and surprisingly easy.

First you need a leader with lots of commitment and enthusiasm and a core group of volunteers.

Next you need some sponsors, and some donations to kick it off.



What people are saying about Graffiti Busters

‘Graffiti Busters goes Gang Busters’ – this volunteer group are now ridding Bayside of these graffiti gangs.
Graffiti Busters is turning Bayside into a Clean Suburb.
Very well done – All are volunteers who care.

Cr Laurie Evans, Former Mayor of Bayside

Thank you Graffiti Busters for removing graffiti from my garage door. It’s wonderful that people are prepared to spend your time and effort doing this for us at no cost.

Groups like yours provide an overall beneficial feeling of community and personal mental wellbeing.

Hamish Sutherland - Sandringham resident

The Lions Club of Beaumaris has formed a close partnership with Neighbourhood Watch Graffiti Busters. We have sponsored their trailer and join in with their Graffiti Busts which we find is both socially and physically rewarding.

Leigh Hutton, President, Lions Club of Beaumaris

Thank you Graffiti Busters for cleaning our lane TWICE and in particular, our back fence. What a difference!
It’s made a huge difference here.

It used to be ugly and had an uneasy feeling about it. Now its clean and a pleasure to walk down. Such a relief to see it gone.

Louise Gunning - Sandringham Resident

Thanks to Graffiti Busters Volunteers who have removed graffiti from around the Concourse. They also remove new graffiti as it happens. What a fabulous initiative.

 You are making a huge difference.

Trevor Allwright, President, Concourse Traders Beaumaris

The progress Graffiti Busters is making relating to Graffiti and cleaning up our neighbourhood has been outstanding and I’m sure you the community appreciate their efforts.

One only needs to look at our streets to see the improvement.

Senior Sergeant Jim Jackson, Victoria Police, Bayside

Do we need this rubbish in our suburbs?  We say NO!

“See these “before” and “after” photos

Information every Graffiti Buster needs to know

When should you use graffiti paint remover and when should you paint? Upon what surfaces should you use graffiti paint remover and upon what surfaces should you definitely NOT use graffiti paint remover?

All this and more are discussed in out Tips and Tricks section. This is vital information.

Graffiti Busters Rules of Operation

We have established strict and sensible safety standards and rules of operation. We require our Busters to be safe, responsible and to do very high quality work

Tips and Tricks

It’s not hard, but believe us, there are some tricks of the trade and you should be aware of the pitfalls as well as the solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

Are Graffiti Buster volunteers insured?

Graffiti Busters volunteers are covered by insurance provided they are members of Neighbourhood Watch 3193 Beaumaris & Black Rock and have signed the graffiti Busters Rules of Operation. There is no cost to be a member of NHW 3193.


Where does funding come from?

Graffiti Busters groups are self funded and are required to raise funds via sponsorship, donations, grants or fundraising events.

Groups are encouraged to develop relationships with their local Council as well as suppliers.

The main operating cost is paint and cleaning liquid.

The main start up costs are a fully purposed, branded trailer, which costs approximately $6500; pressure cleaner, brushes, rollers etc. Of course many groups start by using the volunteer’s personal equipment.

Other set up costs are for safety vests, signage and promotional costs.


Why don't you charge private owners?

Our goal is graffiti removal to make our suburbs cleaner and safer and nicer to live within.

Private owners SHOULD clean their own property but often don’t, reasons vary. Some claim there is no point, some are simply lazy and others cannot for genuine reasons.

Our view is that to introduce a “cost” changes the concept from a community project to a commercial project and also slows down the whole process. So we just pay for it ourselves from our fundraising. We don’t ask for reasons why the owner hasn’t removed the graffiti.

However, where the owner is a commercial business or a body corporate, we will either request a donation or at least ask the owner to pay for the paint.

Similarly, if an owner insists on colour matching, we will expect them to provide the paint.


How do you get started?

to Graffiti Busters is a community activity that starts with a group of people in a suburb that care and want to see the elimination of graffiti.

The first thing is to find a leader and a core group of enthusiastic volunteers (3-6).

Contact Graffiti Busters by emailing info@nhw3193.com.au
We will then work with you and assist you to get started. It really isn’t hard or very time-consuming.


How does a "graffiti Bust" work?

The Graffiti Bust is when a group of us get together to clean a specific area.-This is how we do it.

The leader selects an area to clean and a time and day to meet.

He/she contacts the “Busters” to arrange a meeting place. Usually this is a café where the group meets for a coffee.

Thereafter, the group spends 2-3 hours working and that’s it…although we then might have another coffee or even lunch!


 Want to know more? Just contact us by email on nhw3193@gmail.com or call Geoff on 0416 29452.

Let us know your interest

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Make sure your email and phone numbers are correct – Also , complete the “spam” check by adding the numbers and putting in the total (See left of Submit Box)

We are very grateful to the following organisations which have helped and sponsored Graffiti Busters NHW 3193