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This is what is required 

A Graffiti Busters Group comprises:

1) The Core Leadership Group

Every Graffiti Busters group needs a leader and a core group of at least two other committed members. To run a group requires some passion and follow through. It's not hard or particularly time consuming but it will fail if this group is half committed.

2) Keeper of supplies

Every Graffiti Busters group needs a member who will establish and maintain the supply of materials (paint/brushes etc.) This can be a shared responsibility but somebody must drive this requirement.

The group will most likely require a trailer and this requires a member with space and a car with a tow bar!

3) Volunteers

Every Graffiti Busters group needs volunteers. There is no specific number. Some will be very active and some will be occasional Busters. All are welcome. All age groups are welcome but of course children will require supervision from their parents.

4) Equipment required

Initially the group might use personal equipment of the  volunteers. This is not ideal. Preferably, the Group should raise funds to purchase equipment and not be dependent on the goodwill of the volunteers.
Equipment needs include: A trailer, pressure cleaner, ladder, rollers, brushes, safety signs and vests etc.

The set up cost if all purchased new is $6,000 - $8,000. This could be secured via sponsors, grants. donations or fundraising


Graffiti Busters Group

5) Cost of running a group

Funds are required for both capital  and running costs.

Running costs. Funds are needed for cleaning liquid, paint  brushes, safety vests and signage etc. Help may be available from Council who may supply cleaning liquid and paint. Other sources are paint suppliers, hardrware stores etc. "miss-mixed" paints are usually very cheap from paint stores.

Capital Costs - See "equipment required"

6) Networking

The Council will most likely be very supportive and may help with starting Graffiti Busters in your area.
All groups should work hard to form a co-operative relationship with their Council. We recommend forming a relationship also with local traders, Bendigo Bank, Victoria Police, Rotary, Lions and Neighbourhood Watch - That's just for starters!

8) Insurance

Currently, Graffiti Busters groups are operating under Neighbourhood Watch Victoria Insurance via Neighbourhood Watch 3193 or local NHW Groups.

Each Group will be required to pay for their insurance. In areas where there is no Neighbourhood Watch Group, the minimum cost currently will be $200/per year for up to 20 Busters. 

Each group is responsible for keeping volunteer spreadsheets current and to send these to NHW 3193 and of course to update insurance payments as numbers increase.

8) Marketing

Individual Graffiti Busters Groups need to promote themselves in order to raise funds and to seek volunteers.

Graffiti Busters founding group is considering how to expand the number of groups and welcomes all assistance and input. Please email

 Graffiti Busters in action

Graffiti Busters was founded in Beaumaris in late 2018 as part of  Neighbourhood Watch 3193.

The core group included Geoff Bransbury, Ken Beadle, Duncan Gibson, Yolanta & Richard Cadman


NHW 3193 Graffiti Busters Trailer

NHW 3193 started by using Geoff Bransbury's trailer and equipment. It took 18 months to raise the funds to purchase the above trailer.

The trailer is designed for Graffiti Busters use, and cost $6500, which includes branding.

We recommend all new groups find sponsors to purchase a trailer.


Interested in starting a new Graffiti Busters Group?

Contact us or email or call Geoff 0416 294 452

15 + 3 =

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